UFPA: Laboratory of Pedagogical Practices of the Basic Education Center (NEB): it has 10 computers, two closets, a bookcase, datashow, air conditioning, interactive whiteboard, 24 tables and chairs and internet access. Adequate space for study, training and meetings. NEB Computer Labs with 20 computers (distributed between the two), with internet access, 2 printers, one in each laboratory.
UFAM: It has a Computer lab with 24 machines for undergraduate and graduate use, 1 Videoconference room - CEFORT and CED, thus encompassing the needs regarding EAD technological resources.
UFOPA: It has research laboratories and support for undergraduate education are installed in the three UFOPA campuses in Santarém. Most of the research groups of which professors are part of the PPGE, already have minimal spaces and equipment for the development of their activities and make regular use of laboratories; we have 3 computer labs with 150 computers available.
UFT: It has a computer lab (Labin) with 30 computers with internet access, data show and white board; 5 computer labs for students, with about 189 computers, distributed as follows: Labin 1: has 40 machines; Labin 2: has 40 machines; Labin 3: has 35 machines; Labin 4: has 34 machines; Labin 5: has 40 machines.
UNIR: Multidisciplinary Group on Education (Grupo Educa); the Media-Education Laboratory (Labmídia) and several other groups. In addition, it has two computer labs, located in Block G of classes with 30 computers, an auditorium located in the building of the Directorate of Distance Education and a classroom, available by appointment. The Directorate of Distance Education enables the shared use of the Laboratory, containing 35 chairs, 35 desktop computers, computer tables, work desk. It has air conditioning, editing island and can be used as a classroom, allowing the teacher and students to use integrated media. It offers two computer labs: 4 units of 42.12m² each, containing 15 to 20 computers each, in a network, with internet access in each one, with air conditioning, cabinets; laboratory media-education: Description: The laboratory Labmídia UEA: has ample infrastructure to carry out its activities. The Escola Normal Superior (ENS), where the PPGECA and the Amazonas Pole of REAMEC are located, and where EDUCANORTE will be installed and, for which a computer lab with 24 computers will be destined for the use of students. ENS also has 7 laboratories (434 m2 of area).
UFAC: It has two computer labs with 35 computers, internet connection, glass panel, multimedia projector and air conditioning each.
CEDUC / UFRR-Postgraduate Block (Attachment): It has 01 Computer Laboratory with the number of computers compatible with the graduation demand of the Education Center and the Postgraduate Program in Education and provides for graduate students of 12 computers in the afternoon shift. Room with 24 computers in all, on individual tables, 01 printer, 25 chairs, 02 printer tables, 02 air conditioning units.
UNIFAP: It has 05 computer labs with 92 computers that are for the exclusive use of Graduate Studies, with internet access.