The Postgraduate Program in Education in the Amazon (PGEDA) was approved by Capes on 4/5/2019, with the characteristic of being the first Doctorate in Network Education in the Country, which articulates 39 researchers from 9 Federal Universities and one University State of the North Region: UFPA, UFAM, UFOPA, UFT, UFAC, UNIFAP, UFRR, UNIR and UEA, for the training of new doctors to investigate, primarily, education in the Region, assuming the challenge of thinking intraregional integration strategies, capable to consolidate existing research groups in the Amazon and train new researchers at the PhD level.
The innovative character of the proposal is also revealed by the use of creative methodologies necessary for the constitution of the PGEDA Network, which aim to reduce geographical distances, bring together supervising professors and their advisors, maximize resources, guaranteeing the quality and the epistemic rigor in teacher training. , future doctors, researchers in education in and in the Amazon.
The Postgraduate Program in Education in the Amazon - Doctorate in Network with headquarters at the Federal University of Pará and its management is organized with institutions that perform three different types of institutional roles (Associated Institution Coordinator, Associated Institution Polo and Associated Institution).
As Coordinating Associate Institution, it is responsible for submitting the proposal, coordinating and integrating the other associated institutions, feeding and managing the Sucupira Platform. It also assumes formative (offering guidance and participation in integrated teaching activities) and certifying functions. It must have an executive secretariat and minimum physical infrastructure, containing exclusive rooms for coordination and secretariat.
As an Associated Institution, Polo takes on training (offering guidance and participation in integrated teaching activities) and certifying functions. It must have a secretariat and minimum physical infrastructure, containing rooms for coordination and secretariat. Polo Associated institutions must have at least five professors in the Program's permanent category.
As an Associated Institution, it assumes a formative function (offering guidance and participation in integrated teaching activities).
All institutions must ensure adequate infrastructure conditions for teaching, guidance and research activities, guaranteeing classrooms, a classroom with an EAD structure and compatible platforms, rooms for linked research groups, offices for teachers, libraries and equipment informational.
The Collegiate of Coordination and the Collegiate of the Poles will be deliberative in matters related to the Program.
The objectives of the Program are:
• Contribute to the integrated production of academic and scientific knowledge about Education in the Amazon and related areas, through the execution of research projects, keeping coherence with the lines proposed in the Program.
• Meet, in a network, the demand for training and qualification of human resources at the doctoral level for higher education and for research in Education and related areas in the Amazon Region.
• Contribute to the consolidation of research groups in the different institutions involved and of academic-scientific quality in publications and other contributions, seeking excellence in production on Education and Education in the Amazon, as a knowledge area.
• Collaborate for the qualification of educational policies and practices implemented in the Amazon and, especially, in facing the low quality of basic education in the Amazon, revealed in its different official indicators.
• Strengthen the different training actions developed by traditional communities in the Amazon, whether school or not, which promote recognition and appreciation of traditional peoples and cultures.
• Disseminate knowledge, through national and international technical-scientific events, related to the areas of Education and Education in the Amazon, seeking consistent coordination between researchers and education professionals from the different institutions involved.
The Doctoral Course in Education in the Amazon - PGEDA - Associação em Rede, has Education as its focus area and is structured around three lines of research, which consolidate specific sub-areas of the education area: 1) Educator Training, Pedagogical Praxis and Curriculum; 2) State, Public Policies and Education Management and 3) Knowledge, Language and Education and will obey the curricular flow established in the Course Rules below:
- 1st academic semester: Mandatory Program Discipline; Research Workshop I and Experience in Research Group I.
- 2nd academic semester: Mandatory Research Line Discipline; Research Atelier II; Experience in Research Group II; Academic Activities of Intellectual Production and Validation of the Foreign Language Proficiency Exam.
- 3rd academic semester: Atelier III and the Experience in the Research Group III.
- 4th academic semester: Atelier IV, Experience in Research Group IV and Intellectual Production Academics.
- 5th academic semester: Qualification of the corresponding Thesis.
- 6th academic semester: Elaboration / Defense of the Thesis.
- 7th academic semester: Elaboration / Defense of the Thesis.
- 8th semester: Elaboration / Defense of the Thesis.
From the 3rd semester onwards, the doctoral student will be able to fulfill an optional discipline.
In this course, the doctoral student must fulfill 8 credits of compulsory subjects; 4 credits from optional subjects; 14 credits of practical activities and 12 credits of defense of Thesis, making a total of 38 credits, developed in 960 hours. The course activities will be carried out through face-to-face and online actions.
In practical subjects 1 credit is equivalent to 30 hours.
Given the inherent specificity of offering a networked doctoral course, the Graduate Program in Education in the Amazon will offer its curricular activities through the combination of classroom and virtual classroom education.
The mandatory and optional curricular components will be offered by one of the centers that make up the network of institutions that are part of the proposal, based on semiannual planning approved by the collegiate of the course.
Each curricular component will be offered, simultaneously, in person, to doctoral students who are enrolled in the pole responsible for the offer, and in person to doctoral students from other centers.
The offer in the virtual face-to-face modality will take place through videoconference, since this technology allows distant groups, located in geographically different places, to establish communication with each other through audio and video signals, recreating, at a distance, the conditions of a meeting between people.
All hubs must have a video conference room that will work in the format of tele-education, with an organization similar to that of a classroom classroom. They will be structured in a flexible way (allowing changes, for example, for group meetings, presentation of seminars, etc.).
So that the offer of curricular activities in the face-to-face and virtual face-to-face is successful, it is foreseen the accompaniment of the doctoral students by a teacher of the program who will follow-up and didactic-pedagogical guidance of the students enrolled in the discipline, becoming a discipline advisor . It will be up to this teacher to problematize the classes, mediate the reading of the texts, elaborate problematizing activities, promote discussion forums among the students and assign the concepts to the end of the discipline